Sign-up for DÅCTA’s Crayfish party

We are organizing a traditional crayfish party for doctoral researchers. Non-alcoholic and vegetarian options will be available on demand. The event will be held on Arken – Saturday 10.9.2022 at 18:30. The fee is 25 Euros for not members and 20 Euros for members. The deadline to sign up is Friday 2nd of September at […]

Vårmöte 2022

Välkommen med på vårt vårmöte 2022! Varje år ordnar Dåcta två ordinarie möten för alla föreningens medlemmar. Nästa ordinariemöte kommer att äga rum den 25 maj kl. 17-18. På föredragningslistan står bland annat Dåctas årsredovisning för 2021, föreningens mål för 2022 och en summering av resultaten från Dåctas medlemsundersökning 2021.  Zoomlänk:ötes-ID: 646 7025 2271

Spring Meeting

Every year Dåcta organizes two ordinary meetings for all the association members. The Spring Meeting was held on 25th of May. On the agenda, among others were: presentation of Dåcta’s annual report 2021 goals of the association for 2022, summary of the results from the survey 2021, discharge of the board of 2021, and financial statements. […]

Pecha Kucha Festival

Welcome to Dåcta’s Pecha Kucha Festival on Friday 20 May! Pecha kucha (Japanese for “chitchat”) is a presentation format where the presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds each. Similar to a lightning talk or an elevator pitch it’s an increasingly common format at academic conferences and a great way to introduce your audience to your research topic. […]

Pecha Kucha Workshop

Pecha kucha (Japanese for “chitchat”) is a presentation format where the presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds each. Similar to a lightning talk or an elevator pitch it’s an increasingly common format at academic conferences and a great way to introduce your audience to your research topic. Dåcta is organising a pecha kucha festival in May so that we PhD students […]