Upcoming events 2024

December 2024

  • 18.12.2024 Dåcta after-work in Vaasa!

Welcome to the last Dåcta event in Vaasa on 18.12. at 16.00! We arrange an after-work evening in B5, Academill where we offer some small and good things for our members.


  • 10.12.2024 Dåcta Coffee in Turku!

Come and meet us for a relaxing coffee at Fabbe’s café (Tehtaankatu 6) in Turku on Wednesday 10.12.2024 at 14.00! We will meet at the café located in the middle of Campus and Dåcta will pay for coffee for our members!


  • 03.12.2024 Dåcta’s Autumn meeting

Welcome to Dåcta’s Autumn Meeting in Arken Helikon (A202) on Tuesday 3rd December at 17.00! During this meeting, we will go through the business plan and the budget plan for 2025 and vote in a new board! If you are interested in joining the board for 2025, you can send us a message on doktorandforeningen@abo.fi or show up on site and register your interest! Please note that in order to be on the board, you need to be a member of Dåcta! The meeting is also held in hybrid format, an e-mail message with a link to the Zoom meeting is sent to our members.


  • 03.12.2024 Doctoral Dinner!

Welcome to Dåcta’s PhD dinner at Restaurant Tårget (Slottsgatan 3 A)!

We have reserved the cozy basement for our dinner at 19:00 on Tuesday 03.12.2024. The dinner consists of a three-course dinner with a main course of choice (meat, fish or vegetarian/vegan) and Dåcta’s members receive discounted dinner prices. In addition, you can choose between an alcohol-free or an alcohol-included version, the option with alcohol includes two glasses of wine (note that the price is higher). Water will be served with all meals. If you want to drink something other than wine or more than the amount included, you can buy the drinks at the bar at the restaurant during the evening.

Register for the PhD Dinner via this link: –


Entrée: Burrata cheese with marinated tomato, corn salad and nut granola (G)

Main course meat: Slow-cooked beef brisket, grilled carrots, mushroom purée, and dark garlic sauce (L,G)

Main course fish: Braised fish of the day with blackberry beurre blanc, fennel, and salmon roe (L,G)

Main course vegetarian/vegan: Gnocchi fried in pistachio-basil butter, roasted pistachios, semi-dryed cherry tomatoes, parmesan and crispy kale

Dessert: Tiramisu


For Members:

  • Meat/Fish Non-Alcoholic: €37
  • Meat/Fish with Two Glasses of Wine: €62
  • Vegetarian/Vegan Non-Alcoholic: €31
  • Vegetarian/Vegan with Two Glasses of Wine: €56

For Non-Members:

  • Meat/Fish Non-Alcoholic: €57
  • Meat/Fish with Two Glasses of Wine: €82
  • Vegetarian/Vegan Non-Alcoholic: €51
  • Vegetarian/Vegan with Two Glasses of Wine: €76

Tl; Dr:
What? The traditional Doctoral dinner!
When? 03.12.2024 at 19.00
Where? Restaurant Tårget down in the basement (Slottsgatan 3 A)
How much? See above
Sign-up here: –


November 2024

  • 14.11.2024 Dåcta Coffee and workshop in Vaasa!

Come and meet us for a relaxing coffee in B5, Academill at 14.00! Dåcta will pay for coffee for our members! During this coffee meeting, current board members will present Dåcta to the participants to give an insight into what our business is all about. This is a great opportunity to get acquainted with Dåcta!


  • 13.11.2024 Dåcta Coffee in Turku!

Come and meet us for a relaxing coffee at Fabbe’s café (Tehtaankatu 6) in Turku on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 14.00! We will meet at the café located in the middle of Campus and Dåcta will pay for coffee for our members!


October 2024

  • 17.10.2024 Dåcta Coffee in Turku and in Vaasa!


Come meet us for a relaxing coffee at Fabbes café (Tehtaankatu 6) in Turku on Wednesday 17.10 at 14.00!

We will meet at the café which is located right in the middle of the Campus and Dåcta will pay for coffee for members! Make sure to pop by and enjoy a warm cup of coffee or tea with your fellow doctoral researchers.


The Dåcta Coffee will be held in B5 at 14.00. Dåcta will pay for coffee or tea for our members, so make sure to pop by and enjoy a coffee with Dåcta!


  • 25.10.2024 Turku: Dåcta goes playing pool!

Come along to play pool with Dåcta! We will book a few tables and have a limited number of available places, so make sure to sign-up asap! This event will be free for Dåcta members and for non-members there will be a participation fee (to be announced later).

We’ll meet for a game of pool at Aura Biljard (Yliopistonkatu 13B 20100 Turku) on Thursday, October 24th, at 18:00 (please be there in advance so that we can start playing at 18!). We have reserved four tables for two hours. The event is free for Dåcta members and costs €5 for non-members. Please sign up using this link: Sign-Up Sheet.


What? Playing Pool with Dåcta!

When? Thursday October 24th at 18.00 (arrive earlier!)

Where? Aura Biljard (Yliopistonkatu 13B, 20100 Turku)

How much? Free for Dåcta members and 5€ for non-members

Remember to sign-up! Sign-Up Sheet


September 2024

  • 26.09.2024 Dåcta Boardgame night in Turku!

Welcome to yet another fun Dåcta board game night!

The board game night will be held in Arken (Tehtaankatu 2, 20500 Turku) in the room Bikupan (C304) on Thursday 26.9 at 18.00. (See email for contact number in case you cannot find the room or if the doors are locked!)

We will have a few games available, but feel free to bring your favourite board games with you! We will also have some snack and drinks. For members this event is free, and for non-members 5€.

Remember to sign up: https://survey.abo.fi/lomakkeet/16711/lomake.html

Non-members can pay to our bank account: FI81 1544 3000 1808 15


What? Board Game night with drinks and snacks!

Time: Thursday 26.09.2024 at 18.00 ->

Place: Arken Bikupan (C304)

How much: free for members, 5€ for non-members


  • 18.09.2024 Dåcta Coffe in Turku!

Come meet us for a relaxing coffee at Fabbes café (Tehtaankatu 6) in Turku on Wednesday 18.9 at 14.00!

We will meet at the café which is located right in the middle of the Campus and Dåcta will pay for coffee for members! Make sure to pop by and enjoy a warm cup of coffee or tea with your fellow PhD researchers as the weather becomes chillier.


August 2024

  • Crayfish party in Turku!

Save the date 22.08.2024!


July 2024

  • Summerbreak!

Dåcta wishes everyone a great summerbreak!


June 2024

  • Minigolf in Vaasa and in Turku

In Turku: 13th of June

In Vaasa: 14th of June


  • Dåcta Coffee in Biocity Mauno in Turku 04.06.2024

Members! Join us for an afternoon coffee in Restaurant Mauno in Biocity in Turku at 14 o’clock on Tuesday 4th of June. Dåcta will pay for coffee for members!


May 2024

  • Dåcta Spring meeting 30.05.2024

Dear Dåcta members!

We would like to invite you to Dåcta’s Spring Meeting on the 30th of May at 17.00 in Arken Helikon (A202) in Turku or via Zoom. The agenda of the meeting and the link to the Zoom meeting has been sent to our members.

During the meeting we will go through the financial statements for the year of 2023 and discharge the board of 2023 of their responsibilities.

Hope to see you at the meeting!


  • Dåcta Bowling 29.05.2024 in Vaasa

Come bowling with Dåcta! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-time bowler, this event is suitable for everyone. It’s an opportunity to unwind, socialize, and meet some fellow Dåcta members.

The bowling tracks are booked between kl. 16-17 but please arrive in time. Location: Wasa Cinema Bowling (Handelsplanaden 18).

We have 3 lanes and 12 places in total and it is free for everyone.


  • Dåcta Bowling 29.05.2024 in Turku

Come bowling with Dåcta! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-time bowler, this event is suitable for everyone. It’s an opportunity to unwind, socialize, and meet some fellow Dåcta members.

The bowling tracks are booked between kl. 18-20, but please arrive at 17.45 to have time to get shoes etc. before 18.

There are only 15 spots so make sure to sign up here: https://survey.abo.fi/lomakkeet/16523/lomake.html

The event is free for Dåcta members and cost 10€ for non-members. Dåcta will also pay for renting the shoes (2€ per member). Information on how to become a member can be found at Dåcta’s webpage: https://doktorandforeningen.fi/en/join-us/become-a-member/


When? 29.5 at 17.45

Where? Bowler (Yliopistonkatu 29, Turku)

Who? We have 15 places, dåcta members will be prioritized if the spots fill up

How much? Free for Dåcta members and 10€ for non-members (pay to FI81 1544 3000 1808 15)


  • Dåcta Coffee in Aurum, Turku 08.05.2024

Members! Join us for an afternoon coffee in Aurum Kårcafé in Turku at 14 o’clock on Wednesday 8th of May. Dåcta will pay for coffee for members!


February 2024

  • 29th February – Board Game Night in Turku

We meet and play board games together on Thursday 29.2, feel free to bring your own board games as well! As we will have some snacks and drinks, we need to know how many people will participate. You can sign up in this form: https://survey.abo.fi/lomakkeet/16325/lomake.html

What? Board Game night with drinks and snacks!

Time: Thursday 29.03.2024 at 18.00 ->

Place: Arken Bikupan (C304)

How much? 5€ for members and 10€ for non-members (information on becoming a member can be found here)

You can pay the fee to Dåctas account:

FI81 1544 3000 1808 15


  • 29th February – After Work drinks in Vaasa

Join other doctoral researchers for an after work evening in Vaasa on Thursday February 29th. We meet at Café Ann-Mari at Academill at 17 o’clock and go to Venn or Zinc for an After Work. No sign-up needed!


January 2024

  • 24th January – Grant Writing Workshop

The workshop will be focusing on how to apply for funding and grant writing. Participants are strongly encouraged to bring a written grant proposal so you can get concrete and detailed feedback from other peers. 

Time: 24.01.2024 at 13.00 – 16.00

Place: Arken Kaminen (M210)

Or via Zoom: https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/67784526354

Meeting ID: 677 8452 6354


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